(704) 837-1150 Appointment

Submental Liposuction in Charlotte, NC

Eliminate Stubborn Chin Fat

Charlotte Submental Liposuction at Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte

No matter how much time you spend exercising or dieting, chin and neck fat can feel impossible to eliminate. Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte is the perfect way to slim down your neck. With submental liposuction, you can look thin and healthy without the struggle of endless exercise. Scheduling your Charlotte submental liposuction today means you are one day closer to having the slim, contoured neck of your dreams.

Submental Liposuction

Sleek and Defined

What is Submental Liposuction?

At Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte submental liposuction, also known as chin liposuction or neck liposuction, is a cosmetic procedure in which excess fat is removed from the area under the chin and along the neck. The procedure is a good option for patients who wish to reduce a double chin or excess fat in the submental area.

A Safe and Effective Solution

What are the benefits of Submental Liposuction?

Submental liposuction offers several benefits to patients looking to improve the appearance of their chin and neck area. Some of the benefits of submental liposuction include:

  • Improved profile: Submental liposuction can help create a more defined jawline and neck, enhancing the overall appearance of the face and profile.
  • Reduced double chin: Submental liposuction can remove excess fat from the submental area, reducing the appearance of a double chin.
  • Minimally invasive: Submental liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure performed using local anesthesia. Patients can return home the same day.
  • Long-lasting results: The results of submental liposuction are generally long-lasting, provided that patients do not experience significant weight gain.
  • Boosted self-confidence: Submental liposuction can help to improve self-confidence and self-esteem by creating a more youthful and contoured appearance.

We will take time to discuss the potential benefits and risks of submental liposuction during your consultation to determine if it is the best procedure for you. You should not undergo submental liposuction if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Submental Liposuction

We Value Your Time

Your Submental Liposuction Consultation

During your consultation for submental liposuction Charlotte plastic surgeon, Dr. Augenstein, will review your medical history, listen to your goals and expectations for your procedure, and answer any questions you may have. It is important for us to know what you want from your procedure so that we can deliver the best results possible. Dr. Augenstein will put together a treatment plan for you and schedule a time for your procedure during your consultation. We want you to feel welcomed and unrushed, so if you have questions or need more time to think, let us know.

Slim and Sculpt

Your Submental Liposuction Procedure

To begin your procedure, Dr. Augenstein will administer local anesthesia to ensure you do not feel anything during your submental liposuction. Next, he will make small incisions under the chin and behind the ears to access the fat deposits. These incisions are usually less than half an inch long and strategically placed to minimize visible scarring. Dr. Augenstein will then use a small cannula to gently suction the excess fat from the submental area. Last, he will carefully close the incisions with surgical glue.

Long-Lasting Elegance

Submental Liposuction Results

You will notice an improvement immediately after your submental liposuction procedure. Your neck and chin will be noticeably slimmer, though you may have some redness and soreness around the incisions. You will be able to see your full results in about two months once your skin adapts to its new contours. The final results of submental liposuction can last up to almost a decade.

A More
Confident You

Submental Liposuction Recovery and Aftercare

The first few days after submental liposuction are usually the most uncomfortable. You will likely experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling in the chin and neck area. You may be prescribed pain medication to manage any discomfort. In addition, you must wear a compression garment on your chin and neck to help minimize swelling and support the healing process. Plan to get plenty of rest during the first week after submental liposuction. You can return to work within four or five days, but avoid strenuous exercise, bending over, or lifting heavy objects. We will provide you with aftercare instructions to support your recovery. You should see your full submental liposuction results in about two to three months.

Submental Liposuction

Submental Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions

The incision sites will be uncomfortable for a few days. We may prescribe or recommend over-the-counter pain medication to help with this discomfort.

Since many patients end up pairing their submental liposuction with a neck lift, it is hard to place a set price on this procedure. However, you can get more detailed and personalized information during your consultation, where one of our aesthetic specialists can provide an estimate for your procedure.

Schedule your consultation to discuss personalized aesthetic treatment in Charlotte

For the highest quality care and results, book your consultation with Dr. Augenstein at Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte. We can’t wait to help you realize your best life.