(704) 837-1150 Appointment

Brow Lift in Charlotte, NC

Top-Rated Brow Lifts In Charlotte

Brow Lift Surgery

Adam C. Augenstein, MD performs Brow Lift surgery in Charlotte to help women and men look younger by improving the appearance of the forehead and position of sagging or drooping eyebrows. Small incisions hidden in the hairline are used to help reposition the eyebrows and open up the eyes back to a more natural look. Dr. Augenstein believes in those natural results, not the overdone or surprised look. Each patient is different, and he will discuss your unique anatomy and recommend the appropriate approach for your eyebrow lift—from endoscopic or minimally invasive to pre-hairline Brow Lifts in patients with long foreheads.

A typical procedure takes about one to two hours, and the recovery time is about a week. At Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte Brow Lifts can be and often are combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures, including eyelid surgery and a facelift, to minimize overall downtime and optimize results.

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Brow Lift Charlotte

What is a Brow Lift?

Get a Lift on Life

A Brow Lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that rejuvenates the upper third of the face. It addresses drooping eyebrows, horizontal forehead wrinkles, and frown lines between the brows. During a Brow Lift Charlotte Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Augenstein, strategically places small incisions, typically hidden within the hairline. He then lifts and smooths the underlying tissues to reposition the eyebrows and forehead skin, creating a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Don't Let Your Brows Get You Down

Brow Lift Benefits

Beyond a refreshed appearance, a Brow Lift can significantly enhance your confidence and overall sense of well-being. Here's how:

  • Restores a More Youthful Look: By lifting sagging brows and smoothing forehead wrinkles, a Brow Lift creates a more youthful and energetic appearance. This can boost your confidence and make you feel more comfortable in social settings.
  • Opens Up the Eyes: Drooping brows can obstruct your vision and make you appear tired. A Brow Lift lifts the eyebrows and opens up the eye area, improving both vision and creating a brighter, more awake appearance.
  • Reduces Forehead Wrinkles: The horizontal wrinkles across the forehead and the frown lines between the brows can be significantly reduced or eliminated with a Brow Lift. This creates a smoother, more relaxed appearance.
  • Enhances Makeup Application: After a Brow Lift, applying makeup becomes easier and more effective. The smoother canvas allows for better product application and a more polished look.
Brow Lift Charlotte

Potential Benefits of Combining Procedures

While Brow Lift surgery offers impressive results, combining it with other procedures like eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a facelift can achieve even more dramatic facial rejuvenation. This can be particularly beneficial if you're addressing concerns beyond the brow area.

Your Youthful Potential

Brow Lift Candidates

Ideal candidates for a Brow Lift in Charlotte, NC, are men and women with visible signs of aging in the upper face, like drooping brows, forehead wrinkles, or frown lines. They should be in overall good health and realistically expect a naturally rejuvenated appearance. Dr. Augenstein will determine your candidacy during a consultation, considering factors like age, medical history, and desired outcome.

The Art and Science

Brow Lift Consultation and Preparation

During your Brow Lift consultation in Charlotte, NC, you will discuss your desired look with Dr. Augenstein. He'll carefully listen to your concerns and ask questions to understand your goals for a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Dr. Augenstein will then examine your face, review your medical history, and recommend the most suitable Brow Lift technique to achieve your desired outcome.

To prepare for the consultation, gather any questions you have and be ready to share your medical history. Additionally, you will need to stop smoking well in advance of the surgery and arrange for transportation and support during the initial recovery period. Schedule your Charlotte Brow Lift consultation today!

From Frown Lines to Fine Lines

Your Brow Lift Procedure

The Brow Lift procedure itself is typically performed on an outpatient basis at Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte. Here's a general overview of what to expect:

  • Anesthesia: Your comfort is a priority. Dr. Augenstein will discuss anesthesia options with you, which may include local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia.
  • The Incision: Depending on the chosen technique, Dr. Augenstein will make small, strategically placed incisions within the hairline or hidden behind the brow.
  • Lifting and Smoothing: Through the incisions, Dr. Augenstein will carefully address the underlying tissues. He will lift and smooth the muscles and reposition the eyebrows to achieve your desired youthful appearance.
  • Closure and Bandaging: The incisions will then be meticulously closed with sutures, and a bandage may be applied to minimize swelling.

The entire Brow Lift procedure typically takes one to two hours, depending on the complexity of the technique used. Dr. Augenstein will discuss the specifics of your procedure during your consultation.

Brow Lift Charlotte

Brow Lift Results

The initial results of your Brow Lift will be visible within a few days as the swelling subsides. However, it can take up to four to six weeks for the final results to emerge as the bruising and swelling are fully resolved. To maintain your youthful look after a Brow Lift Charlotte patients should prioritize sun protection by daily using sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Avoid smoking, as it can impede healing and accelerate skin aging. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise also contributes to lasting results. Remember, aging is a natural process, but a Brow Lift can significantly slow down the visible signs in your upper face for many years to come.

Brow Lift Recovery and Aftercare

Following your Brow Lift surgery, you can expect some swelling and bruising, particularly around the eyes and forehead. This is normal and will subside gradually over the course of the first two weeks. Here's what you can expect during recovery:

  • Downtime: Plan on taking 7-10 days off work for rest and recovery. Dr. Augenstein prescribes medication to manage most discomfort.
  • Incision Care: You'll receive specific instructions on caring for your incisions, which typically involve keeping them clean and dry. Dr. Augenstein will remove stitches after a designated period.
  • Minimizing Swelling: Elevating your head while sleeping and applying cold compresses to the forehead can help reduce swelling.
  • Pain Management: Dr. Augenstein will prescribe medication to manage any discomfort you may experience.
  • Activity Restrictions: Avoid strenuous activity for at least two weeks following surgery. Gradually resume exercise as Dr. Augenstein clears you.
  • Sun Protection: Sun exposure can worsen swelling and hinder healing. Wear a hat and diligently apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher once Dr. Augenstein has cleared you.
  • Scar Minimization: Dr. Augenstein uses meticulous closure techniques to minimize scarring. Silicone scar gels can also be used later in the healing process to further improve scar appearance.

Why choose Aesthetic Surgery
of Charlotte?

Led by board-certified Charlotte plastic surgeon, Dr. Augenstein, Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte offers meticulous Brow Lift techniques, personalized care, and advanced technology to deliver natural-looking rejuvenation. Their focus on patient experience ensures you'll feel comfortable and supported throughout your Brow Lift journey. Dr. Augenstein's reputation for achieving subtle yet impactful results guarantees a refreshed you, not a dramatically altered look. By choosing Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte, you can trust you're in the hands of a skilled surgeon dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty.

How much does a Brow Lift cost?

The cost of your Brow Lift is personalized and depends on factors like the chosen technique, combination procedures, and surgeon's fee. It typically includes anesthesia, facility fees, and Dr. Augenstein's expertise. While Charlotte, NC, costs may differ from other areas, Dr. Augenstein will provide a transparent cost estimate during your consultation to ensure you understand your investment in a more youthful you. Financing options are also available to discuss.

Brow Lift Charlotte

Schedule Your Charlotte, NC, Brow Lift Consultation at Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte Today

Reclaim a youthful you! Schedule a Charlotte, NC, Brow Lift consultation with Dr. Augenstein at Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte by calling (704) 837-1150 or booking here. Dr. Augenstein will craft a personalized plan to achieve natural rejuvenation that enhances your unique beauty.

Brow Lift Frequently Asked Questions

Botox injections and dermal fillers can temporarily improve the appearance of forehead wrinkles and slightly elevate brows, but they don't address sagging skin or reposition the eyebrows as effectively as surgery.

You'll likely experience some discomfort after surgery, but medication effectively manages it. Dr. Augenstein prioritizes patient comfort and will discuss pain management options during your consultation.

As with any surgery, there are risks, such as infection, bleeding, and temporary numbness. Dr. Augenstein is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience minimizing these risks. During your consultation, we will discuss potential complications in detail.

Absolutely! Brow Lifts are often combined with eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a facelift for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Dr. Augenstein will recommend the most suitable combination to achieve your desired results.

The results of a Brow Lift are long-lasting, typically lasting 10-15 years. However, factors like sun exposure, aging, and genetics can influence how long the effects last. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and using sunscreen daily can help maximize your results.

Schedule your consultation to discuss personalized aesthetic treatment in Charlotte

For the highest quality care and results, book your consultation with Dr. Augenstein at Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte. We can’t wait to help you realize your best life.