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How Does Kybella Treatment Work?

How Does Kybella Treatment Work?  Charlotte

Kybella is a relatively new nonsurgical treatment for fat beneath the chin. Approved by the FDA in 2015, Kybella offers an alternative to surgery that studies have shown is effective. You may be a good candidate for Kybella treatment, so be sure to talk with your plastic surgeon about it if you are unhappy with the amount of fat under your chin.

Kybella Treatment – How Does it Work?

Kybella treatment uses deoxycholic acid to target the fat cells under your chin. Your treatment provider will inject the acid in multiple areas under your chin to ensure adequate coverage and the acid will destroy the fat cells so that they are incapable of storing fat in the future. The treatment does not require any incisions and leads to very little recovery time in most cases.

Kybella treatment uses deoxycholic acid because of the unique qualities of the acid. As a bile acid it helps the body absorb fat. Once the acid goes to work on the fat cells under your chin, it encourages your body to absorb that fat so that you do not struggle with excess fat in the treatment area in the future.

Are there any side effects or risks?

One of the great things about Kybella treatment is that it has relatively few side effects or risks. You may experience some swelling, pain, bruising, numbness or redness, but for most people the recovery process is easy and fast. If you do experience side effects, they should go away within a week or two.

How many treatments do you need?

Like many noninvasive treatments, Kybella often takes multiple procedures to achieve the desired results. You can get up to six treatments with a month in between each treatment, but it may not take that many to get the results you want. Visible results are often achieved within two to four treatments.

Schedule your consultation to discuss personalized aesthetic treatment in Charlotte

For the highest quality care and results, book your consultation with Dr. Augenstein at Aesthetic Surgery of Charlotte. We can’t wait to help you realize your best life.